Responsable del Grupo de Ecosistemas Litorales

Investigadora Principal

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Araceli Puente Trueba es Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas y Doctora en Ciencias del Mar. Es Catedrática de Ingeniería Hidráulica en la Universidad de Cantabria, y desarrolla su actividad docente en la E.T.S de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Desde 2015 es la coordinadora del máster oficial en Gestión Integrada de Sistemas Hídricos.

Está adscrita al Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental (IHCantabria), donde es la coordinadora del Grupo de Ecosistemas Litorales. Su labor investigadora se centra en el estudio de los patrones espacio-temporales de las comunidades bentónicas (macroalgas, macroinvertebrados), así como en el análisis de riesgos ambientales ligados a los ecosistemas estuarinos y costeros, con especial interés en los efectos de las presiones antrópicas y los impactos del cambio climático.

Ha publicado 59 artículos en revistas científicas indexadas en SCI (27 Q1), 17 capítulos en libros y 12 artículos en revistas científicas no indexadas y publicaciones divulgativas. Ha participado en más de 30 proyectos de investigación a nivel nacional y europeo, y más de 48 contratos de investigación de especial relevancia con empresas y/o administraciones.



Estudio de los patrones espacio-temporales en las características fisicoquímicas del agua, en la biodiversidad (estructura y composición de comunidades y poblaciones) y en el funcionamiento de ecosistemas litorales (estuarinos y costeros).

Indicadores biológicos.

Evaluación y seguimiento ambiental de sistemas acuáticos.

Análisis de los efectos de las alteraciones antrópicas en los ecosistemas estuarinos y costeros.

Efectos de Cambio Climático en los Ecosistemas Litorales.


Sainz-Villegas, S., Sánchez-Astráin, B., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2024. Exploring the effects of temperature and light availability on the vegetative propagation processes of the non-native species Asparagopsis armata. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1343353.

Galván, C., Puente, A. 2023. Exploring the newly emerging effects of native seagrasses on non-native juvenile clams”. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1160734.

Mazarrasa, I., Neto, J.M., Bouma, T.J., Grandjean, T., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masqué, P., Recio, M., Serrano, O., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2023. Drivers of variability in Blue Carbon stocks and burial rates across European estuarine habitats. Sci. Total Environ. 886: 163957

Sainz-Villegas, S., Puente, A., Sánchez-Astrain, Juanes, J.A. 2023. Characterization of Gelidium corneum’s (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta) vegetative propagation process under increasing levels of temperature and irradiance. Mar. Environ. Res. 187: 105966.

Mazarrasa, I., Garcia‑Orellana, J., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2022. Coastal engineering infrastructure impacts Blue Carbon habitats distribution and ecosystem functions. Sci. Rep., 12: 19352.

Puente, A., Gómez, A.G., de los Ríos, A., Galván, C. 2022. Natural stress vs anthropogenic pressures. How do they affect benthic communities? Mar. Poll. Bul. 181: 113925.

Sainz-Villegas, S., de la Hoz, C., Juanes, J.A., Puente, A. 2022. Predicting non-native seaweeds global distributions: The importance of tuning individual algorithms in ensembles to obtain biologically meaningful results. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 1009808.

Galván, C., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2021. Nested socio-ecological maps as a spatial planning instrument for estuary conservation and ecosystem-based management. Frontiers in Marine Science. IF: 4.912 (6/110 – D1).

Calleja, F., Ondiviela, B., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2020. Can seedlings’ physiological information improve vegetation distribution predictions at local scales?. Biological Invasions. IF: 2.89 (12/59-Q1).

Ramos, E., Guinda, X., Puente, A., de la Hoz, C.F., Juanes, J.A. 2020. Changes in the distribution of intertidal macroalgae along a longitudinal gradient in the northern coast of Spain. Marine Environmental Research: 157, 104930. IF: 3.73 (9/201-D1).

Ondiviela, B., Galván, C., Recio, M., Jiménez, M., Juanes, J.A., Puente, A., Losada, I.J. 2020. Vulnerability of Zostera noltei to sea level rise: the use of clustering techniques in climate change studies. Estuaries and Coasts. IF 2.976 (20/2010-Q1).

Casado-Amezua, P., Araújo, R., Bárbara, I., Bermejo, R., Borja, Á., Díez, I., Fernández, C., Gorostiaga, J.M., Guinda, X., Hernández, I., Juanes, J.A., Peña, V., Peteiro, C., Puente, A., Quintana, I., Tuya, F., Viejo, R.M., Altamirano, M., Gallardo, T., Martínez, B. 2019. Distributional shifts of canopy‑forming seaweeds from the Atlantic coast of Southern Europe. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 1151 – 1172. IF: 2.828 (13/57-Q1).

de la Hoz, C.F., Ramos, E., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2019. Climate change induced range shifts in seaweeds distributions in Europe. Marine Environmental Research, 148:1-11. IF: 2.727 (18/10-Q1) .

de la Hoz, C.F., Ramos, E., Puente, A., Juanes, JA. 2019. Temporal transferability of marine distribution models: the role of algorithm selection. Ecological indicators, 106: ref 105499. IF: 4.229 (61/261-Q1).

de la Hoz, C.F., Ramos, E., Acevedo, A., Puente, A., Losada, I.J., Juanes, J.A. 2018. OCLE: a European open access database on climate change effects on littoral and oceanic ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography, 168: 222-231. IF: 4.270 (3/64-Q1).

de la Hoz, C.F., Ramos, E., Puente, A., Méndez, F., Menéndez, M., Juanes, J.A., Losada, I.L. 2018. Ecological typologies of large areas. An application in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Environmental Management, 205, 59-72. IF: 4.01 (48/242-Q1).

Zapata, C., Puente, A., García, A., Garcia-Alba, J., Espinoza, J. 2018. Assessment of ecosystem services of an urbanized tropical estuary with a focus on habitats and scenarios. Plos One 13 (10): e0203927. IF: 2.766 (15/64-Q1).

Araujo, R.M., Assis, J., Aguillar, R., Airoldi, L., Barbara, I, Bartsch, I, Bekkby, T, Christie, H, Davoult, D, Derrien-Courtel, S, Fernandez, C, Fredriksen, S., Gevaert, F., Gundersen, H., Le Gal, A., Le´veˆque, L., Mieszkowska, N., Norderhaug, K. M., Oliveira, P., Puente, A., Rico, J.M., Rinde, E., Schubert, H., Strain, E.M, Valero, M., Viard, F., Sousa-Pinto, I. 2017. Status, trends and drivers of kelp forests in Europe: an expert assessment. Biodiversity Conservation 25: 1348 – 2016. IF: 2.265 (13/54: Q1).     

Juanes, J.A., Puente, A., Ramos, E. 2017. A global approach to hierarchical classification of coastal waters at different spatial scales: the NEA case. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (3), 465-476. IF: 1.054 (57/106-Q3).

Puente, A., Guinda, X., Juanes, J.A. Echavarri-Erasun, B., Ramos, E., et al. 2017. The role of physical variables in biodiversity patterns of intertidal macroalgae along European coasts. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (3), 549-560. IF: 1.094 (57/106-Q3).

Ramos E., Puente A., Guinda X., Juanes J.A. 2017. A hierarchical classification system along the NE Atlantic coast: focusing on the local scale (Cantabria, N Spain). European Journal of Phycology, 52 (1), 75-89. IF: 2.481 (21/106-Q1).

Valdor, P.F., Puente, A., Gómez, A.G., Ondiviela, B., Juanes, J.A., 2017. Are environmental risk estimations linked to the actual environmental impact? Application to an oil handling facility (NE Spain). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 114(2), 941-951. IF: 3.241 (9/106-Q1).

Galván, C., Puente, A., Castanedo, S., Juanes, J.A., 2016. Average vs extreme salinity conditions: do they equally affect the distribution of macroinvertebrates in estuarine environments? Limnology and Oceanography, 61 (3): 984-1000. IF: 3.383 (5/63-D1).

Ramos E., Díaz de Terán J.R., Puente A., Juanes J. 2016. The role of geomorphology in the distribution of intertidal rocky macroalgae in the NE Atlantic region. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 90-98. IF: 2.335 (24/104-Q2).

Ramos, E., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2016. An ecological classification of rocky shores at a regional scale: a predictive tool for management of conservation values. Marine Ecology, 37, 311–328. IF: 1.18 (63/105-Q3).

Valdor, P.F., Gómez, A.G., Velarde, V., Puente, A. 2016. Can a GIS toolbox assess the environmental risk of oil spills? Implementation for oil facilities in harbors. Journal of Environmental Management, 170: 105 – 115. IF: 4.010 (39/229-Q1).

Valdor, P.F., Gómez, A.G., Ondiviela, B., Puente. A., Juanes, J.A. 2016. Prioritization maps: the integration of environmental risks to manage water quality in harbor areas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 111: 57 – 67. IF: 3.146 (Q1, 8/105, Marine and Freshwater Biology)   

Puente, A., Diaz, R.J. 2015. Response of benthos to ocean outfall discharges: does a general pattern exist?. Marine Pollution Bulletin 101: 174–181. IF: 3.099 (6/104-Q1).

Valdor, P.F., Gómez, A. G., Puente, A. 2015. Environmental risk analysis of oil handling facilities in port areas. Application to Tarragona harbor (NE Spain). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 90: 78 – 87. IF: 3.099 (6/104-Q1).

Ramos, E., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A., Neto, J.M., Pedersen, A., Bartsch, I., Scanlan, C., Wilkes, R., Van den Bergh, E., Ar Gall, E., Melo, R. 2014. Biological validation of physical coastal waters classification along the NE Atlantic region based on rocky macroalgae distribution. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 147: 103-112. IF: 2.06 (27/103-Q2).

Juanes, J.A, Bidegain, G., Echavarri-Erasun, B., Puente, A., García, A., García, A., Bárcena, J., Álvarez, C., García-Castrillo, G. 2012. Differential distribution pattern of native Ruditapes decussatus and introduced Ruditapes phillippinarum clam populations in the Bay of Santander (Gulf of Biscay): Considerations for fisheries management. Ocean & Coastal Management 69: 316 – 326. IF: 1.597 (33/80, Q2).

Galván, C., Juanes, J.A., Puente, A. 2010. Ecological classification of European transitional waters in the North-East Atlantic eco-region.  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences 87: 442 – 450. IF: 1.887 (31/93-Q1).

Puente, A., Juanes, J.A., Calderón, G., Echavarri-Erasun, B., García, A., García-Castrillo G. 2009. Medium-term assessment of the effects of the Prestige oil spill on estuarine benthic communities in Cantabria (Northern Spain, Bay of Biscay). Marine Pollution Bulletin 58:  487 – 495. IF: 2.630 (9/88-Q1).

Juanes, J.A., Guinda, X., Puente, A., Revilla, J.A. 2008. Macroalgae, a suitable indicator of the ecological status of coastal rocky communities in the NE Atlantic. Ecological indicators  8: 351 – 359. IF: 1.984 (56/163-Q2).

Puente, A., Diaz, R., 2008. Is it possible to assess the ecological status of highly stressed natural estuarine environments using macroinvertebrates indices?. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56: 1880-1889. IF: 2.562 (12/87-Q1).

Puente, A., Juanes, J.A., García, A., Álvarez, C., Revilla, J.A., García, A. 2008. Ecological assessment of soft bottom benthic communities in NE Atlantic estuarine water bodies. Ecological indicators 8:  373 – 388. IF: 1.984 (56/163-Q2)

Puente, A., Juanes, J.A. 2008. Testing taxonomic resolution, data transformation and selection of species for monitoring macroalgae communities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences 78: 327 – 340. IF: 2.072 (19/87-Q1).

Puente, A., Juanes, J.A., García-Castrillo, G., Álvarez, C., Revilla, J.A., Gil, J.L. 2002. Baseline study of soft botton benthic assemblages in the bay of Santander (Gulf of Biscay). Hydrobiologia, 475/476: 141-149. IF: 0.694 (51/73-Q3).

Juanes, J.A., Puente, A. 1993. Differential reattachment capacity of isomorphic life cycle phases of Gelidium sesquipedale. Hydrobiologia, 260/261: 139-144. IF: 0.531 (41/61-Q3).